IT Solution

Web Design

01. Live Website Design Tutorials

  1. Live website design tutorial project overview -- Part:00
  2. Web design helper tools -- Part:01
  3. Web design layout conception+markup -- Part:02
  4. Chrome DevTools Overview-- Part:02.A
  5. Design website header & navigation -- Part:03
  6. Design website main content & footer -- Part:04
  7. Design website sidebar -- Part:05
  8. Design website navigation menu -- Part:06
  9. Design more effective content section -- Part:07
  10. Customizing website colors and styles -- Part:08
  11. Add Logo & social media icons on header -- Part:09
  12. Add a awesome image slider to website -- Part:10
  13. Design footer center menu & items with css -- Part:11
  14. Customize template with proper css -- Part:12
  15. Design about page for website -- Part:13
  16. Design contact page and contact form -- Part:14
  17. Current/Active links for menu navigation -- Part:15
  18. Using Background Patterns/Textures -- Part:16
  19. Import & User Google web font in css file -- Part:17
  20. Design a more effective sidebar -- Part:18
  21. Design effective related article images with css -- Part:19
  22. Add fixed social media icon to side of website -- Part:20
  23. Adding Meta Tags and Google Analytics -- Part:21
  24. Adding smooth Scrolling Back To Top Button -- Part:22
  25. Corrections and optimization-- Part:23
  26. Embedding a document using iframe-- Part:24
  27. Template Layout Optimization-- Part:25
  28. Design Stylish Menus-- Part:26
  29. Design CSS Drop Down Menus-- Part:27
  30. DIV Priority z-index-- Part:28
  31. Font Awesome, the iconic font and CSS toolkit-- Part:29
  32. Awesome Image Hover Effect With Pure CSS3-- Part:30
  33. CSS3 Image Hover Effect with Text-- Part:31
  34. CSS3 Essential Style Properties-- Part:32
  35. How to Use Google Map-- Part:33
  36. How to Add Countdown Timer-- Part:34
  37. How to Filter & Sort Magical Layouts-- Part:35

02. Image to HTML/CSS Conversion

03. Image to HTML5/CSS3 Conversion

04. PSD to HTML/CSS Conversion

05. PSD to HTML5/CSS3 Conversion

06. Table Based Website Design

07. Make Website Responsive

08. Building Website with Bootstrap

09. PSD to HTML Responsive Bootstrap

10. Building Website With Foundation

11. Grid Based Website Design

12. Newspaper Website Design

13. Designing Basic Admin Panel

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- শুভকামনায় ওয়েব স্কুল বিডি