Important Math for Bank Exam (Part 4)

ওয়েব স্কুল বিডি : সুপ্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, শুভেচ্ছা নিয়ো। আজ তোমাদের Bank Recruitment Exam থেকে Math ধারণা নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো

অনলাইন এক্সামের বিভাগসমূহ:
সকল শ্রেণির সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন (খুব শীঘ্রই আসছে)
বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভর্তি (খুব শীঘ্রই আসছে)
বিসিএস প্রিলি টেষ্ট

Important Math for Bank Recruitment Exam (Part 4)

Practice math for bank exams and other recruitment exams. Shortcut solve of those maths are given below:

1) In what ratio must a person mix three kinds of tea costing Tk.60/kg, Tk.75/kg and Tk.100 /kg so that the resultant mixture when sold at Tk.96/kg yields a profit of 20%?
      a)      1 : 2 : 4                       
      b)      3 : 7 : 6                       
      c)      1 : 4 : 2                       
      d)     None of these
Correct Answer is (c) 1:4:2
Shortcut Solve: 1 X 60: 4 X 75: 2 X 100; 60:300:200; Sum of these three is 560; 560/8 = 25; 25 X 20% = 5; so 25 +5 = Tk. 30

2) How many liters of water should be added to a 30 liters mixture of milk and water containing milk and water in the ratio of 7 : 3 such that the resultant mixture has 40% water in it?
      a)      7 liters            
      b)      10 liters                      
      c)      5 liters            
      d)     None of these
Correct Answer is (c) 5 Liters
Shortcut Solve: 7/10 X 30 = 21; 3/10 X 30= 9; 21:9; 21:9+5; 21:14 (21+14=35); 14/35 = 40% water; so 5 will be the correct answer

3) How many liters of a 12 liters mixture containing milk and water in the ratio of 2 : 3 be replaced with pure milk so that the resultant mixture contains milk and water in equal proportion?
      a)      4 liters
      b)      2 liters
      c)      1 liter  
      d)     1.5 liters 
      Correct Answer is (b) 2 liters
Shortcut Solve: 12-2 = 10; 2/5 X 10 = 4 milk; 3/5 X 10 = 6 water; 4+2 = 6 milk; so 2 liters is the correct answer

4) A sample of x liters from a container having a 60 liters mixture of milk and water containing milk and water in the ratio of 2 : 3 is replaced with pure milk so that the container will have milk and water in equal proportions. What is the value of x?
      a)      6 liters
      b)      10 liters
      c)      30 liters          
      d)     None of these
Correct Answer (b) 10 Liters
Shortcut Solve: 60-10 = 50; 2/5 X50 = 20; 3/5 X50 = 30; 20 + 10 = 30; so answers is 10 liters

5) In a kilometer race, A can give B a start of 100 m or 15 seconds. How long does A take to complete the race?
      a)      150 seconds
      b)      165 seconds
      c)      135 seconds
      d)     66.67 seconds
Correct Choice is (c) 135 Seconds
Shortcut Solve: A travels 100m in 15s; so 1m in15/100 s; so 1000m in 15X1000/100 = 150; 150-15 = 135

6) A gives B a start of 10 meters in a 100 meter race and still beats him by 1.25 seconds. How long does B take to complete the 100 meter race if A runs at the rate of 10 m/sec?
      a)      8 seconds
      b)     10 seconds
      c)     16.67 seconds
      d)    12.5 seconds
Correct Answer is (d) 12.5 seconds
Shortcut Solve: when A goes 100m -B goes 90m; if A runs at 10 m/s then will complete the race in 10s and B will complete at 10 +1.25 = 11.25; 11.25m B goes 90m; 90/11.25 = 8m/s speed; so full distance 100/8 = 12.5

7) A can give B a start of 50 meters or 10 seconds in a kilometer race. How long does A take to complete the race?
      a)      200 seconds                           
      b)      140 seconds
      c)      220 seconds                           
      d)     190 seconds
Correct Answer  is (d) 190 seconds
Shortcut Solve: 50m goes at 10s; 1m goes at 10/50s; 1000m goes at 10X1000/50 = 200;  200 – 10 = 190 second

8) A box contains 90 mts each of 100 gms and 100 bolts each of 150 gms. If the entire box weighs 35.5 kg., then the weight of the empty box is :
      a)      10 kg
      b)      10.5 kg
      c)      11 kg
      d)     11.5 kg
Correct answers is (d)  11.5 kg
Shortcut Solve:  90 X 100 = 9000; 100x150 = 15000; 9000 + 15000 = 24000; 35.5X1000 = 35500; 35500 – 24000 = 11500= 11.5 kg

9) Tom, Dick and Harry went for lunch to a restaurant. Tom had $100 with him, Dick had $60 and Harry had $409. They got a bill for $104 and decided to give a tip of $16. They further decided to share the total expenses in the ratio of the amounts of money each carried. The amount of money which Tom paid more than what Harry paid is
      a)     120
      b)     200
      c)      60
      d)     36
Correct Answer is (d) 36
Shortcut Solve:  100:60:40; Tom = 100/200 X 120 = 60; Harry= 40/200 X 120 = 24; 60-24 = 36

10) A rectangle is 14 cm long and 10 cm wide. If the length is reduced by x cms and its width is increased also by x cms so as to make it a square then its area changes by :
      a)      4
      b)    144
      c)     12
      d)     2
      Correct Answer is (a)  4
      Shortcut Solve:  14 X 10 = 140; (14-2) X (10 + 2) = 144; so 144 – 140 =  4

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- শুভকামনায় ওয়েব স্কুল বিডি

  1. Thanks Web School BD. Its a nic post. give us the solution of previous bank question.

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