Important Math for Bank Exam (Part 1)

ওয়েব স্কুল বিডি : শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, শুভেচ্ছা নিয়ো। আজ তোমাদের Bank Recruitment Exam Math (part1) ' থেকে (1-10) টি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো -

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সকল শ্রেণির সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন (খুব শীঘ্রই আসছে)
বিসিএস প্রিলি টেষ্ট
বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভর্তি (খুব শীঘ্রই আসছে)

Bank Recruitment Exam Math part1

1) A gives B a start of 30 seconds in a km race and still beats him by 20 m. However, when he gives B a start of 35 seconds, they finish the race in a dead heat. How long does A take to run the km?
A) 250 seconds
B) 285 seconds
C) 220 seconds
D) 215 seconds 
Correct Answer: D

Shortcut Solve: 35-30 = 5 seconds; 20m goes at 5 second, 1m goes at 5/20, 1000 m goes at 5X1000/20 = 250; 250-35 = 215

2) P can give Q a start of 20 seconds in a kilometer race. P can give R a start of 200 meters in the same kilometer race. And Q can give R a start of 20 seconds in the same kilometer race. How long does P take to run the kilometer?
A) 200 seconds
B) 240 seconds
C) 160 seconds
D) 140 seconds
Correct Answer: C

Shortcut Solve: 200m goes at 40s, 1m goes at 40/200, 1000m goes at 40X1000/200 = 200 seconds; So P runs the kilometers 200-40 =160

3) Three friends Alice, Bond and Charlie divide $1105 amongst them in such a way that if $10, $20 and $15 are removed from the sums that Alice, Bond and Charlie received respectively, then the share of the sums that they got will be in the ratio of 11 : 18 : 24. How much did Charlie receive?
A) $495
B) $510 
C) $480
D) $375
Correct Answer: A

Shortcut Solve: 11a + 18a + 24a = 1105-45 =1060; 53a=1060; a = 20 ( x-10, y-20, z-15) 24X20 =480; Z = 480 +15 = 495

4) Mary and Mike enter into a partnership by investing $700 and $300 respectively. At the end of one year, they divided their profits such that a third of the profit is divided equally for the efforts they have put into the business and the remaining amount of profit is divided in the ratio of the investments they made in the business. If Mary received $800 more than Mike did, what was the profit made by their business in that year?
A) $6000
B) $4000
C) $1333
D) $3000
Correct Answer: D

Shortcut Solve: Partnership 7:3; Total profit =3x; 2x =7:3
70% -30% =40%; 40% of 2x =800; 40/100 X 2x = 800; 2x = 2000; x = 1000; so total profit 3X1000 =3000

5) 60 liters of diesel is required to travel 600 km using an 800 cc engine. If the volume of diesel required to cover a distance varies directly as the capacity of the engine, then how many liters of diesel is required to travel 800kms using 1200 cc engine?
A) 80 liters
B) 90 liters
C) 120 liters
D) 170 liters
Correct Answer: C

Shortcut Solve: 800cc car 800 km goes with 800/600 X 60 =80 liters
1200cc car 800 km goes with 1200/800 X 80 = 120 liters

6) Two cogged wheels of which one has 32 cogs and other 54 cogs, work into each other. If the latter turns 80 times in three quarters of a minute, how often does the other turn in 8 seconds?
A) 48
B) 135
 C) 24
 D) None of these
Correct Answer: C

Shortcut Solve: A- Cogs 54, Time 45, Turns 80
B – Cogs 32, Times 8 , Turns = 80 X 54/32 X 8/45 = 24 times

7) A group of workers can do a piece of work in 24 days. However as 7 of them were absent it took 30 days to complete the work. How many people actually worked on the job to complete it?
A) 35
B) 30
C) 28
D) 42
Correct Answer : C

Shortcut Solve: Original worker = x; actual worker = x-7; 24x = (x -7) X 30; 24x = 30x – 210; 6x =210; x =35; Actual x-7 = 35 -7 = 28 workers

8) A, B and C play cricket. A’s runs are to B’s runs and B’s runs are to C’s as 3:2. They get altogether 342 runs. How many runs did A make?
A) 162
B) 108
C) 72
D) None of these
Correct Answer: A

Shortcut Solve: A: B =3:2 =9:6; B: C =3:2 = 6:4
A: B: C = 9:6:4; A= 9/19 X 342 = 162 (9+6+ 4 =19)

9) A fort has provisions for 60 days. If after 15 days 500 men strengthen them and the food lasts 40 days longer, how many men are there in the fort?
A) 3500
B) 4000
C) 6000
D) None of these
Correct Answer: B

Shortcut Solve: 45x = (x +500) X 40; 5x = 20000; x = 4000

10) The ratio of marks obtained by vinod and Basu is 6:5. If the combined average of their percentage is 68.75 and their sum of the marks is 275, find the total marks for which exam was conducted.
A) 150
B) 200
C) 400
D)None of these.
Correct Answer: B

Shortcut Solve: 6x + 5x = 275; x = 25; Average (150 + 125)/2 = 137.5
137.5/68.75 X 100 = 200 marks

Bank Recruitment Exam Math-Chapter2 (৩৫-১০০)

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- শুভকামনায় ওয়েব স্কুল বিডি

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